ASCAP Expo and Networking Tips
I'll be visiting Los Angeles for the upcoming ASCAP Expo. A place where composers, songwriters, and other music creatives gather to be invigorated and inspired. Can't wait to see my favorite film composers in all the panels, and of course, NETWORK!Here are a few tips for networking for the Expo. They might seem simple and common-sense, but most of us DON'T DO THEM! #1 - PUT AWAY THE IPHONE. TURN OFF THE ANDROID. GET YOUR FACE OUT OF FACEBOOK!"Why in the world would he say this, " you ask? Because the Expo is a place to meet people - IN PERSON! To talk, to socialize, to network. If you have your face buried in your phone there goes that missed opportunity that could turn in the next big project. I mean once you establish that connection, exchange info, preferably a businesscard, maybe take pic and post on Facebook later - maybe during some down time. You'll survive without your phone for a while! #2 - BRING YOUR MUSIC - LEAVE THE JEWEL BOXES AT HOME!Put yourself in the shoes of a big music exec/decision-maker. You go to these things and people throw their CDs basically at you. Try to be subtle. Use your charm. Take advantage of your elevator pitch. Make sure you rehearse this pitch before actually meeting someone of this level. Try describing yourself in 3-5 ways. For instance, if you're a film composer you can say something like: "My name is _____ and I'm a film composer. My sound is similar to _____ (insert favorite composer(s)). You can modify this, but it usually works since music people can relate to sounds and people they know. Also, about the CD thing. I usually bring my phone with mp3s of my music and an extra pair of headphones. If I charm someone enough to listen, they usually say, "Can I use those headphones to listen to your music?" And BANG! It works! #3 - BE YOURSELF!Trying to be someone else or an imitation will not work. Be yourself, be charming, be confident, and above all show these qualities when entering a room. Convince yourself and you'll have people coming up to you. Some of us have problems with big crowds and I had my share of problems approaching people, but in this social business, one has to learn to get over this and become a people-person. Keep working on it and you'll be great! Thanks for reading and hope to see you at the Expo. Come over and say hi!!Best,NR[facebook][retweet]